


Enjoying a babbling brook and accompanying waterfall can be all you need for a great day. How often do you get to enjoy nature?

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Peace is Yours…

Peace is Yours…

Peace is yours, whenever you choose it. Visit new places and you'll find hidden gems that will warm your heart and ease your soul.

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Want to live to 100?

Want to live to 100?

Want to live to 100? You’ll never guess the secret to longevity … We are lucky to be alive at this moment in history. People, in general, are living longer and healthier lifestyles than ever before. But even in our increasingly long-lived society, there are some truly...

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What Does Peace Really Feel Like?

What Does Peace Really Feel Like?

Meditation and mindfulness can benefit us in ways we’ve never imagined, including better sleep, increased productivity and general happiness all around! Lately, there seems to be a lot more information being shared on how to go about finding inner peace. Whether you...

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Playfulness: An Inner Compass

Playfulness: An Inner Compass

“Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play.” -- Heraclitus There is an antidote to the stress many experience in our daily lives – playfulness. It’s easy for us to become lost in our daily concerns: racing to reach appointments,...

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When Will You Allow Yourself To Be Happy?

When Will You Allow Yourself To Be Happy?

I’ll reactivate my dating profile after I lose another 10 pounds, which means I need to go back to the gym … But I don’t have enough money to pay for the membership … That raise should be coming my way within a month or two … I’m hungry and it has been a rough day … I...

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