Each year, people in the United States give billions of dollars to charity. Every day, people volunteer their time to help complete strangers. Routinely, we hear of selfless acts where people put their own lives in danger to help someone else. Economists and...
Mindfulness Is Good for Your Heart—and Your Waistline
In a country where it is often easier to find fried chicken than fresh produce and sedentary lifestyles have become the norm, eating right and staying active can be a constant struggle. Right now, many people are making New Year’s resolutions to become healthier and...
To Change Yourself, Change Your World
This summer, I enrolled in—and stuck with—an intensive two-month diet and fitness program. I’ve been a healthy eater and regular exerciser for many years, but in June I found myself performing bench presses, drinking protein shakes, and swearing off carbs (except on...
Teamwork Vs Trash: Who Wins?
The residents of Kamikatsu, Japan are on a very strict recycling program that has led to the community reusing, recycling and composting 80% of the town’s garbage. Could your town make this kind of commitment?
Seven Ways to Help High Schoolers Find Purpose
Over the past decade, I have had the chance to ask thousands of teenagers what they think about school. I’ve found that the vast majority of them generally feel one of two ways: disengaged or incredibly pressured. One thing nearly all teens agree on is that most of...
https://soundcloud.com/djmaksy/dj-maksy-vs-kim-viera-diamonds I have an affinity for this cover by Kim Viera, remixed by DJ Maksy. Original song is Diamonds by Rihanna
Turning it Around With an Act Of Kindness
I was at work in the same aisle as a lady and her daughter when I overheard the mother yelling at her daughter. She said: "Great! No onion soup to use for my beef. Now I'm going to have to re-plan my entire meal for the day. I told you we should've went to Monroeville...
Dwell in Possibility…
"Dwell in possibility..." - Emily Dickinson
A Mother’s Patience and Love Offered Her Daugther Many Lessons
I helped my daughter to become unstuck as she begins the 'teen years' and projects become overwhelming. Our lesson was patience, organization and understanding that it is OK to ask for help. I can't (won't) "do" the project, but I can help to create an easier journey...