1. Happy- Pharrell
Unsurprisingly, this is one of the most popular songs to dance to if you want to up your happiness! There is even a video of Congressman John Lewis breaking it down to the beat of Pharrell’s jam.2
2. Shake It Off- Taylor Swift
This is a new favorite of mine. The message is so overwhelmingly positive and the beat is infectious. You can’t help but dance with a big smile on your face when listening to this!
3. Jump- Van Halen
The ultimate song that makes you want to, you guessed it, jump around! A great hit from the early 80’s, which, in my opinion, is a decade with MANY amazing dancing songs.
You’ll get the endorphins from getting your body moving AND the happy feelings from listening to your favorite songs. Talk about a winning combo! So take a little time this week to crank up some happy tunes and let it loose!
Article Sources
1 http://www.nerve.com/web3366/this-man-has-created-over-300-dance-videos-to-make-you-happier
2 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/03/20/john-lewis-happy-dancing_n_5001155.html