Tom Fletcher and his wife took a picture every day from the time she was three months pregnant up until the birth of their second son. Watch as they string them together, showing you her pregnancy journey.
Can You Break Down Language With A Tshirt?
Traveling is already stressful enough, but you can get into some really awkward or unfortunate situations if there’s a language barrier in play. Wouldn’t it be great if you could effortlessly communicate with anyone on the road? By effortlessly, we mean non-verbally....
You’ve Never Seen an Instrument Like This
If you hit play and close your eyes on this video, would you be able to guess the instrument you were listening to? What sounds like a xylophone is actually a machine of marbles made by Swedish band Wintergatan.
This Artist Works with an Unusual (Yet Amazing) Medium
It’s hard enough to make a mural with standard supplies, let alone a blizzard and some snowshoes…and yet Simon Beck pulls off beautiful images, made only from snow and the soles of his feet.
12 Creative Ideas How To Display Your Indoor Plants
Indoor plants can be a beautiful decoration, and what is even more important they can instantly change the atmosphere in the home because plants are considered to be a key to a fresh and colorful interior décor. There are lots of ways in which you can include plants...
An Amazing Inca Bridge That Will Make You Gasp
Most bridges might be made of steel, iron bars and cement – this Inca bridge is made of cords and ropes made of woven grass; built entirely by local villagers. This brings a whole new level to DIY projects.
Healing Powers: 7 Ways Long, Solo Drives Benefit Your Creative
When I’m stressed out, plagued by writer’s block, or in need of an escape from everyone and everything, I like to go on long drives by myself. I get in my car, put the windows down, crank up Adele and just drive. It’s my cure-all activity. It’s so incredibly cathartic...
For All The Classical Music Fans Out There
Can you really tell the difference between Mozart and Chopin? YouTuber Grant Woolard has mashed together 57 classical songs into six minutes, blending the tunes together into one music medley. How many of these pieces can you identify?