Would you like to travel on a fancy train? In Perú no less? Yes, please!
When traveling to Machu Picchu from Cusco, you have a few options. You can trek it on the Inca Trail, or you can take the train. I prefer the latter, and still, you have options for the train; Coach or First Class.
Going to Machu Picchu I took the coach class train, which takes about an hour and is very crowded. If you’re seated with friends, it can be a great time. The seats are assigned in groupings of four, around a small table. If you are not traveling with friends, you will either meet new friends on the train or be uncomfortably close with strangers sitting across and next to you. The couple sitting across from me was pleasant, and only once did I need to shuffle my feet between theirs, so we could all sit comfortably.
On the return from Machu Picchu, I chose to reward myself and booked the Belmond Hiram Bingham. Yes, this is a fancy train. I have never been on such a fancy train.

On the train, my guide and I were seated at a table.

When you board, you might be hungry. Trust me when I say, do not fill up before your 4-course meal because you will want to eat the food! The courses start off small, so don’t be fooled! I barely had enough room for dessert and who wants to miss that? 🙂

If you like to drink, participate in a jam session and co-mingle with other passengers, head to the bar car!

All in all, this was a fantastic ride! Everything was timed perfectly from beginning to end and the staff was great! If you’re questioning if it’s worth it, the answer is YES! Well, it was for me! 🙂
Until next time, thanks for reading and Happy Travels!