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Hi! I’m Lisa Eve, creator of The HappyChannel®!

There is an assumption that happiness comes from others. Nope! It comes from you! Your pleasure evolves from your ability to love yourself wholly and completely. This site and all I create is about guiding you to love your inner soulmate so you can experience joy!

Just like you, I knew there had to be more to life than suffering, feeling depressed, and feeling unfulfilled. I realized that true happiness comes from self-love—not from external sources or other people’s opinions about me. The source of my joy was within me. So, I embarked on a journey to discover what I loved and what I didn’t love about my life. Before long, I was ready to bring The Happy Channel to you, to help you see the divine beauty of life, just as I discovered on my journey.

The Happy Channel® was launched in 2012 as a platform for uplifting content and celebrating human beings’ incredible, fun, and exciting accomplishments! You can view content from BACK IN THE DAY by clicking the button below.

As we grow and evolve, how we present ourselves and what fuels our happiness also changes. The Happy Channel reflects the many facets of my work and how I choose to be of service. I have so many passions, including traveling, writing, learning, being creative, and photography. Like you, I have dreams, and I am grateful for my love of change and my courage to grow! I love to share what has fueled my happiness, and it is my mission to help you heal your heart, remember your inner wisdom, and joyfully embrace life! So, let’s explore together and find your happy! :)

With love and appreciation,
Lisa Eve

Back in the Day

See the evolution of our website design and the incredible press accolades we've earned!

About the The Happy Channel® Logo

The design was a natural vision; I wanted to create a Television channel, and the call letters were "THC." It hadn't occurred to me at the time that THC represented something else. ;)

So, for anyone curious, The Happy Channel® was created to promote a natural high on life, not the use of Cannabis. When you figure out that being a human is your dream, you'll feel grateful to exist without escaping.

Wherever you are in life, I understand that it can sometimes be difficult. We each have our own unique paths and experiences filled with lessons. It's important to do what you need to do to get through these times until you find a way to love yourself that feels right for you.