Lisa Eve is a Holographic Kinetics Practitioner.
Steve Richards, the founder of Holographic Kinetics, is a descendant of the first people in Australia. Holographic Kinetics (HK) is the most advanced and unique modality available today. It is based on the ancient Aboriginal knowledge of the laws of LORE and the understanding that all things in nature is alive.
HK looks at the body multi-dimensionally, accessing cellular memory passed down from generations (including trauma) and the cause and effect of events. Thoughts and emotions set up in the past and present affect the cycles of the future.
How does it work?
Our success is achieved by clearing trauma locked in events, thoughts, and emotions. Until trauma is cleared from adverse events in our lives, we are continually affected today and in the future.
Who can be helped?
Any person suffering from the following should request assistance to be cleared:
• Attempted suicide or self-harm
• Emotional or compulsive disorders
• Anger, guilt or violence issues
• Voices in the head
• Depression, fear or shame
• Pain, anguish or trauma
• Drug or alcohol dependency issues
• PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
• Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
• Repeat offenders or stuck in time
• Tourette syndrome
• Paranormal activity
• Inter-dimensional interference
All about Spirit
Spirit is often associated with ‘spirituality’, taking on a New Age or religious connotation – it is neither. Holographic Kinetics understands that all things in nature have a life force – known as a spirit. When this life force has departed, we call it dead, but anything with a life force (spirit) is alive and can be communicated with. Aboriginal and other cultures worldwide have been aware of the significance it has in their lives for thousands of years.
Holographic Kinetic Therapy Technique is able to access man’s Spirit in order to clear its trauma.
WHERE: Only Offered in Person
Preparing for the session:
Come to the session with 2 current issues, or repeating patterns you want to clear.
Sessions are performed on a massage table. Please wear loose and comfortable clothing.
Session Time: Allow for 90 minutes
Note: We never know the outcome of any session, as only a creator can change their creation, and that is you!
For more information, or if you'd like to take a class, please contact:
Steve Richards - Founder & Creator
Queensland, Australia