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Let's Write!

Journaling can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and emotional expression, but it can be daunting to face a blank page. To help overcome this hurdle, imagine yourself in a specific location and let your emotions flow onto the page, using these prompts as a starting point.

Journal Prompts

Mar 9, 2016 Lisa Eve

Take off those shades and enjoy the beautiful weather! Did you know that the sun is actually good for your eyes? Like with everything in life, balance is key, and...

Jan 19, 2016 Lisa Eve

Everyone needs a little help at times in order to make their dreams soar! Who was the last person to help you? Was it unexpected? Do you have difficulty asking...

Jan 14, 2016 Lisa Eve

Flowers are beautiful, especially after a good rain. Have you ever danced in the rain? Stood without an umbrella and embraced the drops to cleanse you? At least one time...

Jan 9, 2016 Lisa Eve

What’s better than one kitten to brighten your day? Two kittens! Or, are you a dog person? Let’s talk about that, in your journal!