I get it. People talk about consistency as if it's the holy grail of success, and it is, to a degree. That degree is, waking up every day and putting forth your best effort to be happy. That's it.
Success looks different for every person. Whether it's banking a million dollars with no debt, driving your first race car, or walking a few blocks after surgery, success is defined by the individual.
Being consistent in life can look like waking up every day with a smile on your face.
Or eating one healthy meal a day.
Or, taking your dog for a walk every day.
Or listening to your body and what it needs before agreeing to what the doctor prescribes for you.
Or traveling to a new place that's on your bucket list every year.
Or greeting your neighbor every day.
Or, you can lay in the sun every day and get your Vitamin D naturally.
Or, tell yourself you love yourself every day.
What consistency means is really up to you, as it's your life, and you get to decide!
For me, as long as I'm sleeping and waking up, I'm being consistent. My human being gets to be expressed another day. I will consistently be human until I am not.
We put a lot of pressure on ourselves, but for what? And for whom? We have nothing to prove to anyone except maybe ourselves, but why?
Being the best human we can be will always be for ourselves, first and foremost. Stop comparing yourself to others. Their life path is different from yours, and mine is different from yours. Anytime we compare, we lose some of our loving energy that is always available for us to use.
Others can inspire us, yet our approach should be our own, not copying another. Ultimately, we know the way that will work for us.
So the next time someone says, "Be consistent," trust that you know what that means for you. Don't exhaust yourself, or beat yourself up because you're not being consistent the way others define it. My book's title states, "Finding Your Way to Happiness." Find YOUR way. And I trust you will find it at precisely the right time.