The most important person for you is YOU. We often go to friends for guidance, but why? What don't we see, trust, or know that our friends do?
At best, you can filter what your friends say to you regarding a relationship, friendship, business, etc. Remember, your friends' guidance is filtered through their perceptions of life and their teachings.
Their truth is not your truth because they don't know you thoroughly and completely. We hide and share what we want.
Imagine being content in your relationship, loving life with your partner, when all of a sudden, a friend shares some discouraging news that your significant other is cheating. If your friend has evidence of such, you might value what they say. But, what if they don't and tell you a story of how so-and-so saw so-and-so with you know who? Will you believe them and get sent into a tailspin, emotions raging, and suspect the worst in your person? Or will this news confirm what you felt all along? (Because your intuition warned you that your partner will not be faithful.)
Either way, you have a choice: let what they say go, or become a detective and look for evidence, which you will always find.
What do YOU feel? Never mind what your friends (or foes) say; you are at the cause of determining your life and your path forward.
When we seek agreement, we'll find it. When we seek disagreement, we'll see that, too.
You are powerful. What do you want to believe? Even if you're living in a fantasy land, it feels good. Let yourself live there. Let yourself be misperceived. Let others be wrong about you. Or, right. You do you. You choose yourself first and always.
You might have been that friend who said something someone was not ready to hear. Life goes along like this: we teach and learn all in the same conversation. We're a victim one minute and empowered the next.
I've guided friends when I felt something was out of alignment; it's my work, too. As an intuitive guide, I help people listen to their higher selves, a.k.a. their intuition.
So, I often have something to say, whether asked or not. I'm working on that: staying in my lane.
You might have that problem, too. You are holding back what you want to say based on what you see or perceive. Just remember, while everybody has free will, planting seeds is a thing. Only plant if you intend to water that garden, and with love above all else.
I want to extend widespread apologies to all those with whom I shared my intuitive knowledge when it was not asked. If I helped you, you're welcome. If I didn't, I genuinely apologize.
Where can you offer the same to your friends? Can you say you're sorry when you were wrong? Be the best human being you can be for yourself, and all else will align properly with the correct timing. You don't have control over that, but your higher self does.
The foundation is to trust yourself. Start there. When you say you don't trust someone, it is you who you do not trust. It's an excuse to point the finger at others for not trusting your gut. C'mon, you know what I'm talking about. I know you want to be a victim, and I get it; really, I do; just give yourself a timer on the self-pity party so you can empower yourself along the way. You learned something and now have the tools to make better choices. Do that: make better choices. Make different choices. Choose a different path next time. You CAN do it. I have faith in you. We all do, as your Spirit Guides report. So next time you go to your friends for sympathy or guidance, consider prefacing it with, no matter what they share, I will make my own choice that feels right for me. Take back your power.
All is well. You got this. Sending love to you across the screens.
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