Understanding why multiple people die simultaneously can be a complex issue. In today's world, many might feel that the government is plotting to remove people from our society. Regardless of the feelings, thoughts, or emotions surrounding these events, they leave many people sad, confused, and bewildered. So, how can we make sense of it all?
I believe that everyone chooses their destiny. Even though it may seem devastating, and unfathomable why someone would choose to die in a plane crash or at an early age, there is always a plan and purpose to their life.
In our spiritual journey, we have choices. We choose who we want to be and how we want to evolve. It's not just our bodies growing; our souls are evolving too. If you believe in your spirit, you're on the right track.
Mainstream media and societal norms may suggest that believing in spirit or recognizing yourself as spiritual is part of a "woo-woo" culture or for "quacks." However, if you take the time to understand who you truly are, you will remember that you are energy, your spirit is energy, and your body is the home for your spirit so you can exist on Earth as a human.
Returning to my main point, we all choose our paths and how we want to evolve in this lifetime. In my book, "The Love Channel: Finding Your Way to Happiness" (available on Amazon), I share that we choose our parents in this life to help us learn and grow. While this may be difficult for some to accept, we choose our families, friends, and life experiences to facilitate our growth. This is part of the essence of being human on Earth.
You may have noticed a pattern among the victims of the plane crashes; many were seen as lights in the world, always spreading joy to others. It’s not necessarily true that "the good die young;" rather, these individuals shared their love of life with others, and that is how they want to be remembered. They serve as inspiration for those who remain, carrying their stories in our hearts.
We all serve a purpose here. The goal is to discover what you love to do above all else and express that love in a way that helps others. I love to serve by living my best life; I enjoy traveling, photography, art, being in nature, meeting new people, learning about different cultures, studying with masters of various healing modalities, and engaging with elders in communities who share their wisdom. I also love to write and share what I've learned—that's my expression!
To return to the main theme of this discussion, I learned along my path—just as you will learn on yours—what the bigger picture is and why we are here. While plane crashes are indeed tragedies for the families, friends, and colleagues left behind, they also leave us with positive contributions.
Here's something to hold close to your heart: your spirit is always with you, and the spirits of those we have lost are not truly gone. They remain with us and among us. Just say your loved one's name, and they will likely be near you. Speak of what you loved about them and what you miss. They may even appear in your dreams to convey a message!
Astrologers may help make sense of what’s happening in the world and the timing of events. However, the overarching theme I want to highlight is that you are here to love yourself and cherish your life. The lessons you learn will become your teachings for others. The victims of these tragic events lived as remarkable teachers, uniquely and vibrantly sharing their light with the world. Remember their light, as this light exists within you too.
Sending you lots of love today and every day.
'Til next time, thank you for reading, and keep being you❣️