
The More You Travel The World, The Happier You’ll Be

The More You Travel The World, The Happier You’ll Be

The world is a big place, and sometimes the idea of stepping out of our comfort zone to travel the world can be scary. A new country, a new culture, it's a lot to take in and sticking within what we know is easier. It's comfortable, and that feeling of comfort and...

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Find Your European Soul City

Find Your European Soul City

I absolutely love to travel and there are so many places in the world I hope to see one day. I've already crossed a few of those locations off my bucket list! A few years ago, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel throughout Europe. I noticed that each and...

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Seek Happiness Outside Your Comfort Zone

Seek Happiness Outside Your Comfort Zone

As the phrase 'comfort zone' suggests, this is a place where you feel most at ease. You might be surprised to find out that some of the most incredible and joyful things happen just outside of that zone! Just a little push can lead to a whole new world of happy...

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Happiness Blooms From Nature

Happiness Blooms From Nature

As my first spring living in Los Angeles, I wasn't sure what to expect. Some typical April showers and maybe some May flowers, but nothing could have prepared me for the beautiful burst of nature that has happened the past couple of weeks. It seems like almost...

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What a Trip!

What a Trip!

A surefire way to increase happiness would be to take a vacation. When I say 'vacation', your imagination may wander to some exotic island with palm trees and lots of sun, or perhaps to a bustling cityscape with endless activities. Both great options for a vacation!...

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Get Some Peace and Quiet And Happiness!

Get Some Peace and Quiet And Happiness!

I've always wondered why I'm so drawn to quiet spaces. In elementary school, the library was my haven. Nowadays, I tend to wander around museums, gardens and even my local bookstore whenever I need to recharge. I learned recently that there was a reason I was so drawn...

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Sunsets Bring Happiness to Light

Sunsets Bring Happiness to Light

Images of nature in all forms seem to inspire happiness in people. From rolling hills and blue ocean waves to bouquets of flowers and snow-capped mountains, photos that depict the beauty of Earth's diverse nature are always at the top of the list of images that make...

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